Stella S
2 min readDec 3, 2020


Not only Democrats won, but Democracy did. Which is bigger than us, which is beyond us, which is the war won by those who have been here before, after battles, many, too many, lost, shedding liters of blood and tears that never got dried.

Not only Democrats won but everyone who voted for Donald Trump also won. Especially them. Because they don’t even realize how much they have been protected, how much they got their future covered, how many heavy bricks they got taken off their shoulders, even if they never felt them heavy.

My Asian friends, my Hispanic friends, my African American friends won. All the children who got lost in a cage. Those who brought them into the world and those who will have to raise them.

Women won. The Afro-American ones, who are strong and essential. Kamala Harris won, Stacey Abrams won, Sarah McBride won, Mauree Turner won, Cori Bush won, Iman Jodeh won, Madinah Wilson-Anton won. Their mothers and their grandmothers won.

Those who lost against Covid won but also those who never believed in it.
Earth won. Greta’s one but also the flat one.
Europe won, all the Ministers that supported Trump won, even if they don’t know it yet. They won mainly as mothers and fathers.

And not because Joe Biden is going to be the best president of the United States of America, we can’t know it yet and the road is long and uphill. But because Trump’s defeat is the victory of hope, of listening, of sensitivity, of altruism, of commitment, of struggle, of generosity.

Those who have understood that there is no economy if there is no health won. Those who believe that everything cannot be based on economic growth if to obtain it we have to give up solidarity and equality.

Those who believe that the world is beautiful when it’s whole and that leaving someone behind hurts everyone, not just those who chase.

All those who couldn’t vote also won. Those that love this Country but have forgotten why. My multiracial and immigrant family won.

Our dreams won.

Pic by Kyle Cleveland



Stella S

Italian, based in Brooklyn (NYC). I write everything, from plays to movies, from reviews to poetry, from short stories to love texts for non-romantic friends.